Knjiga žalbi

Korisnik usluge ima pravo podnijeti prigovor u slučaju kada smatra da je oštećen u odnosu na traženu odnosno dobijenu uslugu. Korisnik usluge je dužan da napisani prigovor potpiše, te da navede datum podnošenja prigovora i svoje kontakt podatke za pružanje povratnih informacija. Odgovor korisniku usluge na stavljeni prigovor ŽRS će dati najkasnije u roku od 15 dana od dana prijema prigovora. Prigovor se može dostaviti elektronskom poštom na e-mail adresu: kontrolaprihoda@zrs-rs.com ili putem knjiga žalbi koje se nalaze na putničkim blagajnama željezničkih stanica.

The service user is entitled to submit a complaint in case he/she feels unsatisfied in terms of the requested or received service. The service user is obliged to sign the complaint and indicate the complaint submission date, as well as his/her contact information for the purpose of providing the feedback. The response to the submitted complaint will be provided to the service user by ŽRS no later than 15 days from the date of the receipt of the complaint. The complaint may be sent to the following e-mail address: kontrolaprihoda@zrs-rs.com or through the Book of Complaints located at the railway stations’ cash offices.